There were 700 entries to the show, so it's an honour to have been among the 50 selected artists.
The award ceremony is August 21, 2008 from 6pm-9pm at Federation Gallery on Granville Island, in Vancouver. I doubt I'll be able to make it (being on the other side of the continent and all), but my Dad'll probably be there, so any of you who can make it should look out for the guy with a thick Scottish accent and glasses that are supposed to automatically turn into sunglasses in the sun, but instead stay half darkened all the time - he's my Dad:) Anyway, I love and miss Vancouver so I always love it when I'm in shows out there:)
Fiberglass Venus, 12 x 9 inches, oil on panel, 2007
Congratulations Kristy! :)
My dad's foreign too! And his English accent is immediately noticeable ( as most are ).
- trevor.
thanks Jason and Trevor!! :)
Thanks vanwall!
Oh, and that's neat that your dad's English Trevor! So do you hear the accent? (I don't in my Dad;)
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