Saturday, January 10, 2009

Portrait Society of America - Members Showcase Competition

It has just been announced that "Ella," a portrait that I painted in August, has earned an Honourable Mention Award in the Head and Shoulders category of the prestigious Portrait Society of America's Members Showcase Competition!

"Ella," oil on panel, 12 x 9 inches, 2008

Here's a link to a step by step of "Ella."


  1. congrats!!! Is this one of the paintings I get to hang in my Reading room?!

  2. Hey Kristy, nice job on winning another award, very exciting!

  3. Awesome, and congratualtions! That is a big honor. Will it be on display at the conference? Thanks for the step by step link. Very helpful. (BTW, thanks for the note the other week about my painting in the PSA member mag. Appreciate the kind words.)

  4. Thanks guys! And actually, this wont be at the PSA conference... this is for the members only competition, not the one that they have at the conference and stuff... but I can't wait to meet you at the conference Peggi! :)

  5. I like the fluency of execution in this portrait.
